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The International Comparison Program (ICP)

The ICP is the world's largest global statistical initiative for estimating purchasing power parities (PPPs) to compare economic outputs, standards of living, and relative price levels across economies.

The ICP entails estimating purchasing power parities (PPPs) and related macro-economic aggregates of economies for comparison. The World Bank coordinates global-level ICP, while ADB covers the program’s Asia-Pacific component

The ICP Governance Framework

ADB = Asian Development Bank, AfDB = African Development Bank, CIS-STAT = Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurostat = Statistical Office of the European Union, IMF = International Monetary Fund, OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, UN-ECLAC = United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, UN-ESCWA = United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.
Source: World Bank. 2020. Purchasing Power Parities and the Size of the World Economies: Results from the 2017 International Comparison Program, 74. Washington, DC. World Bank.

The Governance Framework establishes the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Board (GB), the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), the ICP Global Office (GO), and the Regional Implementing Agencies (RIAs). Each of the RIAs directly works with the implementing agencies of the participating economies which are the main drivers of ICP.

Asian Development Bank (ADB), as the RIA, implements the ICP in Asia and the Pacific, receiving advice and guidance from a specially constituted Regional Advisory Board (RAB) which is composed of representatives of economy-level, regional, and global stakeholders. ADB organizes regular regional workshops, capacity-building activities, and technical assistance to the participating economies, ensuring intensive consultation of the participating economies throughout the implementation of the ICP.

The Governance Framework is extensively discussed in the website of the Global Office for the global level, and in Chapter 5 of the 2017 ICP Main Report for Asia and the Pacific.